Thursday, May 10, 2007

Vitium Regum

I'm thinking of starting some satellite blogs to handle the diversity of my interests. I'm going to be starting a site devoted to books. I'll be doing reviews, critiques, and all things literary. I think I'll call it either VitiumRegum or LibriRegum (the vice of kings or the books of kings respectively). If you have an opinion please share.

This brings me to a great topic: the vice of kings. Why did I choose that name? Well, I originally wanted to call my blog Coagula, latin for coagulate, to bring together. It's a philosophical/mystical idea concerning the essential elements of nature. I can't remember who said it originally but someone posited that the human thinking mechanism can be separated into two distinct functions: to analyze (separate, solve) and to combine (coagula). This is a very similar idea to what Wittgenstein said when he broke down logic into two functions tautology and contradiction. Essentially the same ideas.
I wanted to call it coagula but that was taken. So I thought to myself "what would be another way of saying that?" and instantly I thought of Love. Love is of the same class of action. But a blog named love seems a bit hokey, so I thought some more. Then I thought of Compassion but to me that brings to mind Buddhism and all sorts of weak religious connotations. I really don't feel like that would be a good representation of who I am. I'm a lot of things but I think few people would ever call me weak. So I thought of the Thelemic equivalent which is "the vice of kings". Because in the Book of the Law it says "compassion is the vice of kings." There, done and done. Now I wish I would have used the Latin phrase but oh well.

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