Thursday, December 14, 2006

To chase or not to chase.

Hi all,
just thought I would share a couple thoughts with all the fine readers in reader land. I've been noticing more and more as I get older and more mature, that most people, not just a few but most, have no idea what it means to be healthy. I'm not just talking about the absence of illness, most people recognize that when it happens. I'm talking about Health, the ability to live in such a way, or react to situations in such a way that all one's actions or reactions are optimized and efficient.
This may seem like too lofty of a goal, that people will never be able to truly optimize themselves, but we must admit that it should at least be an aspect every one's ambitions. Right? People should be constantly aiming ever higher, constantly reaching just past their own grasp. At the very least this would keep us happier. There is more joy in the chase than in the acquisition.
I dunno, maybe I'm wrong.

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