Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A man story from somewhere I don't remember.

I read this story several years ago about a certain follower of Jesus. I can't remember if this was in the bible somewhere or if it came from an obscure wise man, but something happened to me today that made me think of it.

Jesus was walking down a road with his disciples, talking about jesusly things and what not. Then they came to this great big tree, an oak or something, and underneath it there was a man lying in the shade. He was obviously distressed about something but he seemed almost to have given up on whatever it was. His eyes were cast down when they approached and he didn't look up when Jesus greeted him. He just kept contemplating a spot on the ground, trying to get away from himself. So Jesus asked him what the matter was, and this man replied that his son had just died, his wife was dying of some ancient disease, and his last cow had just gone dry. As he finished saying this he looked up and instantly realized who he was talking to. "You must be the son of God!" he said, and Jesus just kinda smiled. "I'm your most devoted follower, I would do anything for you" he said. "Anything?" Jesus asked with a little smile. "Anything!" he said. "Would you die for me?" Jesus asked. "A thousand times!" the man said. "I would stand on the tips of spears till I slid down the point so my calves were torn in two. Then suffer for days in the sun while I bled. I would tear off my own eyelids with my fingernails, tie a salted cod to each eye and spend a whole month slowly driving two nail spikes through the cods into my brain." "Would suffer lack for me?" Jesus replied. "I would go without air itself!" he said. "I would live out the rest of my life in pure wanting and tormentation for you. I would go wanting bread, water, and sexual release for you. I would want so fiercely and so completely that even the thought of appeasing my want would cause me to fall over in convulsions and throw up my stomach lining." "Would you kill for me?" Jesus asked. "I would start a war for you!" the man replied. "I would declare war on the known world and take it on single handed for you. I would kill little babies, still suckling their mothers. I would take them from the nipple with such violence that their mothers will live out their days with a scar as a reminder of the day their baby died. I would kick puppies in the stomach till they bled from the seams. I would kill a young girl with a fishhook in your name my Lord." "Would you cheat and deceive for me" "For you Jesus I would." "You would?" asked Jesus. "I would my Lord. I would do all these things and anything else you asked of me because you are my Lord and saviour, the divine pantocrator, son of God almighty. For you I would do all these things and everything else." "You would?" asked Jesus again, now looking very seriously at the man. "I would Lord. I beg you to let me prove it to you. I pray test me. Demand of me anything, anything that will please you most. Let me do whatever it takes to show you how much I love you." So Jesus looked at the man, still dead serious, and said "be happy!"

Thursday, February 8, 2007


I'd lick it off your face if you let me,
it's like syrup of ambrosia,
the pure essence in ecstacy,
the drip of fermentation,
in the tendrils of jasmine,
on the honeyed dew of a swallowed rosehip.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

If you havn't heard of Day Job Killer you're out of the loop.

Everyone's talking about it. It just came out yesterday and already there's affiliates promoting it left right and center. And for good reason. It's gonna be the internet marketing bible for the months to come. Possibly for a few years to come. You wanna know why? Because of the first chapter. I won't go into too much detail here, anything I say about it would give away the ever so coveted secrets.

There's a bit of a discussion of it on the forum. It's a controversial book. A lot of people don't agree with what it's selling and think it's immoral and such. I put in my two cents this morning, here: I'm MHadit. Check it out if you want to see my perspective on the immorality of Day Job Killer.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Russian Martial Arts, the greatest system in the world.

Here's a few videos I found that provide a pretty introduction to Systema. Not much more to say, just watch and be amazed.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


More hardcore training.

A couple of videos I found on Youtube this morning. This should be my gym. Some day, some day.