Friday, January 26, 2007

The Colloidal Silver Controversy.

There is a great amount of controversy surrounding the use of colloidal silver. Some consider it a panacea others consider it a dangerous snake oil. I've personally spoken to at least a dozen different people who have used Colloidal Silver to treat any number of conditions ranging from UTIs to AIDS to cancer. None of these people mentioned anything about digestive upset (supposedly caused by the silver destroying the beneficial intestinal flora) or argyria (a bluish skin coloration resulting from ingesting silver. Its irreversible but purely cosmetic) or finding symptoms of heavy metal toxicity. This doesn't discount the fact that there are reported cases of these conditions being side effects of colloidal silver use, but it leads me to remain on the fence about it. I have personally tried the stuff. I found it worked great to get rid of colds and I haven't turned blue yet but perhaps 10 years from now I might be singing a different tune (maybe the smurf theme song)
So today I decided I'd inform myself a little better. I tried to find some articles that were peer reviewed and unbiased but I honestly couldn't. I did, however, find a bunch of stuff for CS and a bunch of stuff against it. In my opinion the material that supports its use is presented a little better than the material against it, but both sides seem to harbor a little bias.

So here's some of the stuff I found. I'll leave it up to you to decide for yourself.

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