Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Spiritual Side of Life. Part 4. The Abyss.

Crowley claims that the primary function of the Holy Gardian Angel (HGA) is to guide the adept to the brink of the Abyss. The HGA cannot cross with the adept.

The name "crossing the abyss" comes from the structure of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The tree is conveniently divided into three main sections, mirroring the sections I've been talking about.
The tree is set up so that if you could imagine walking from one sphere to another you'd be able to get from sphere 10 to sphere 4 without having to make any leaps. After sphere 4 however you're gonna have to jump to get to sphere 3. This jump is crossing the abyss.
This stage is out of all relation to anything that could be called "normal consciousness". I'm entirely unwilling to make any sort of claims about what it's like because my investigations of it have led me to conclude that this stage is intimately tied up with the development (or realization) of altogether new faculties of mind.
Crowley describes it as being the realization of the futility of logic and the transcendence of logic in favor of a mode of "thinking" that is so different from what we are normally used to that it's entirely unrecognizable.
This stage could be called "union with godhead", maybe "transcendence", "one with the Tao", or anything like that. I really don't know what else to say about it except that you can read about it in Crowley's confessions, in Liber 418, and you can actually get a fair appreciation for this side of the abyss through Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Wittgenstein's Tractatus.

Have fun kids.

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