Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The 5 Areas of Life. Intro.

I apologize for the lame ass post from yesterday but this time I had a really good excuse. I started writing my usual morning post and everything was going swimmingly when I realized that I might be on to something. I started systematically going through every area of life where I have found at least some degree of mastery and I figured that I should be sharing this everyone.
I've found a lot of really valuable information and developed a lot of very powerful techniques and realizations for living a highly fulfilled life.
You want to learn how to imitate my meager success?

I've broken down the areas of life into 5 sections.
I'll be dealing with each of them on separate days for the next week or two.
I'm gonna be as thorough as possible so it might take me a few days to get everything out on any one topic.

The 5 sections are:

1. The spiritual.
2. The intellectual.
3. The emotional.
4. The social.
5. The physical.

Now, there are a few things that overlap two or more of these sections, like money, sex, and love, so there might a slight bit of repetition but you don't mind I'm sure.
Also I'll be paying close attention in particular to those things (exercises, and books in particular) that have a strong carryover effect to two or more sections. This carryover effect is, I believe, a greatly overlooked concept in most people's lives. I'm absolutely certain that my refusal to spend significant time on anything that doesn't carryover to at least one other area of my life is the reason that I've been able to accomplish what I have at such a young age.

So hang on cuz you'll never be the same again.

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