Sunday, May 6, 2007

A Tip for Next Time you Masturbate

Sex is the cultivation of Jing energy.
As though we needed another reason to do it.
The end of sex however is the real matter.
To have sex with the ultimate goal of genital orgasm is to rob yourself of the fullness of all that is truly possible. With the control of the sexual energy comes the possibility of the dissolution of universal boundaries for the practicer.
Shifting from an orgasm centered view to an energetic view can be enormously gratifying and can take place instantaneously. Just start noticing your arousal not as a means to an end but an end in itself.
That feeling of arousal is the energy that should be controlled.
Taken from the usual orgasm centered perspective arousal is just the catalyst of the goal but from a Tantric or Taoist perspective arousal is the vital energy of life. You can start cultivating this energy by simply being aware of it and cultivation can lead to some amazing occurrences. For both men and women it can mean the development of multiple orgasms, greater health and vitality, spiritual realizations, emotional health, stronger connections with your lovers, and just a better overall experience. Neglect of the cultivation of Jing energy can lead to numerous detriments such as less vitality, poor health, mental blocks, addictions, and general dissatisfaction with life in general.
So next time you masturbate just be aware of the feeling in your body you get as you become aroused. Notice it flowing through every part of you. Try moving it around with your thoughts (intend it to move somewhere) and see what happens. Also, notice your breathing. Breath deep and even and you'll start experiencing some of the fullness of this energy.

Have fun.

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